Documenting Squirrel with Sphinx¶
Squirrel’s reference manual is written in reStructuredText (“reST”), and compiled with Sphinx. See this README for compilation instructions.
In addition to standard reST directives (a directive is similar to a LaTeX environment) and roles (a role is similar to a LaTeX command), the squirrelrst
plugin loaded by the documentation uses a custom Squirrel domain — a set of Squirrel-specific directives that define objects like tactics, commands (vernacs), warnings, etc. —, some custom directives, and a few custom roles. Finally, this manual uses a small DSL to describe tactic invocations and commands.
TODO list generation¶
You can add a task in the todo list with this directive :
.. todo::
This is a task added into the todo list
.. todo::
This is an other task added into the todo list
The list can be displayed with :
.. todolist::
Squirrel objects¶
Our Squirrel domain defines multiple objects. Each object has a signature (think type signature), followed by an optional body (a description of that object). The following example defines two objects: a variant of the cs
tactic, and an error that it may raise.
.. tacn:: cs @pattern {? in @natural}
:name: case_study
Performs case study on conditionals inside an equivalence.
Without a specific target, :g:`cs phi` will project all conditionals
on phi in the equivalence. With a specific target, :g:`cs phi in i`
will only project conditionals in the i-th item of the equivalence.
.. example::
When proving an equivalence
:g:`equiv(if phi then t1 else t2, if phi then u1 else u2)`
invoking ``nosimpl cs phi`` results in two subgoals:
:g:`equiv(phi, t1, u1)` and :g:`equiv(phi, t2, u2)`
.. exn:: Argument of cs should match a boolean.
.. exn:: Did not find any conditional to analyze.
- Tactic cs pattern in natural?¶
Performs case study on conditionals inside an equivalence.
Without a specific target,
cs phi
will project all conditionals on phi in the equivalence. With a specific target,cs phi in i
will only project conditionals in the i-th item of the equivalence.Example
When proving an equivalence
equiv(if phi then t1 else t2, if phi then u1 else u2)
invokingnosimpl cs phi
results in two subgoals:equiv(phi, t1, u1)
andequiv(phi, t2, u2)
.- Error Argument of cs should match a boolean.¶
- Error Did not find any conditional to analyze.¶
Or fa
tactic :
.. tacv:: _fa {?{| @natural | {+ @fa_arg}}}
:name: _fa
Apply the function application rule.
Local sequent:
When we have G => f(u) = f(v), produces the
goal G => u=v. Produces as many subgoals as
arugment of the head function symbol.
Global sequent:
To prove that a goal containing f(u1,...,un) is
diff-equivalent, one can prove that the goal containing the
sequence u1,...,un is diff-equivalent.
.. exn:: improper arguments
- Variant _fa naturalfa_arg+?¶
Apply the function application rule.
Local sequent: When we have G => f(u) = f(v), produces the goal G => u=v. Produces as many subgoals as arugment of the head function symbol. Global sequent:
To prove that a goal containing f(u1,…,un) is diff-equivalent, one can prove that the goal containing the sequence u1,…,un is diff-equivalent.
- Error _improper arguments¶
Objects are automatically collected into indices, and can be linked to using the role version of the object’s directive. For example, you could link to the tactic variant above using :tacv:`fa`
, and to its exception using :exn:`imporper arguments`
Names (link targets) are auto-generated for most simple objects, though they can always be overwritten using a :name:
option, as shown above.
Vernacs (commands) have their name set to the first word of their signature. For example, the auto-generated name of
system @id = @sys_descr with @sys_modifier
, and a link to it would take the form:cmd:`system`
.Vernac variants, tactic notations, and tactic variants do not have a default name.
Most objects should have a body (i.e. a block of indented text following the signature, called “contents” in Sphinx terms). Undocumented objects should have the :undocumented:
flag instead, as shown above. When multiple objects have a single description, they can be grouped into a single object, like this (semicolons can be used to separate the names of the objects; names starting with _
will be omitted from the indexes):
.. cmdv:: _Lemma @ident {* @binder } : @type
_Remark @ident {* @binder } : @type
_kFact @ident {* @binder } : @type
_Corollary @ident {* @binder } : @type
_Proposition @ident {* @binder } : @type
:name: _Lemma; _Remark; _Fact; _Corollary; _Proposition
These commands are all synonyms of :n:`_Theorem @ident {* @binder } : type`.
The signatures of most objects can be written using a succinct DSL for Squirrel notations (think regular expressions written with a Lispy syntax). A typical signature might look like Hint Extern @natural {? @pattern} => @tactic
, which means that the Hint Extern
command takes a number (natural
), followed by an optional pattern, and a mandatory tactic. The language has the following constructs (the full grammar is in TacticNotations.g):
A placeholder (
…){? …}
an optional block
{* …}
,{+ …}
an optional (
) or mandatory (+
) block that can be repeated, with repetitions separated by spaces{*, …}
,{+, …}
an optional or mandatory repeatable block, with repetitions separated by commas
{| … | … | … }
an alternative, indicating than one of multiple constructs can be used
an escaped character (rendered without the leading
). In most cases, escaping is not necessary. In particular, the following expressions are all parsed as plain text, and do not need escaping:{ xyz }
,x |- y
. But the following escapes are needed:{| a b %| c | d }
,all: %{
. (We use%
instead of the usual\
because you’d have to type\
twice in your reStructuredText file.)For more details and corner cases, see Advanced uses of notations below.
As an exercise, what do the following patterns mean?
_pattern {+, @term {? at {+ @natural}}}
_generalize {+, @term at {+ @natural} as @ident}
_fix @ident @natural with {+ (@ident {+ @binder} {? {struct @ident'}} : @type)}
Here is the list of all objects of the Squirrel domain (The symbol ✒ indicates an object whose signature can be written using the notations DSL):
.. attr::
✒ An attribute.Example:
.. attr:: _local
- Attribute _local¶
.. decl::
✒ A Squirrel declaration.Example:
.. decl:: _lemma @string : @one_term {? ( {+, @syntax_modifier } ) } {? : @ident }
This command is equivalent to
.. cmd::
✒ A Squirrel command.Example:
.. cmd:: _Infix @string := @one_term {? ( {+, @syntax_modifier } ) } {? : @ident }
This command is equivalent to :n:`...`.
.. cmdv::
✒ A variant of a Squirrel command.Example:
.. cmd:: _Axiom @ident : @term.
This command links :token:`term` to the name :token:`term` as its specification in
the global environment. The fact asserted by :token:`term` is thus assumed as a
.. cmdv:: _Parameter @ident : @term.
This is equivalent to :n:`_Axiom @ident : @term`.
.. exn::
✒ An error raised by a Squirrel command or tactic.This commonly appears nested in the
.. tacn::
that raises the exception.
.. tacv:: _assert @form by @tactic
This tactic applies :n:`@tactic` to solve the subgoals generated by
.. exn:: Proof is not complete
Raised if :n:`@tactic` does not fully solve the goal.
.. flag::
✒ A Squirrel flag (i.e. a boolean setting).
TODO we rather call them options in the tool.
.. flag:: postQuantumSound
Perform extra checks to ensure that results
are sound wrt a quantum adversary.
- Flag Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes¶
Perform extra checks to ensure that results are sound wrt a quantum adversary.
.. opt::
✒ A Squirrel option (a setting with non-boolean value, e.g. a string or numeric value).Example:
.. opt:: _Hyps Limit @natural
:name: _Hyps Limit
Controls the maximum number of hypotheses displayed in goals after
application of a tactic.
.. prodn::
A grammar production.Use
.. prodn
to document grammar productions instead of Sphinx production lists.prodn displays multiple productions together with alignment similar to
.. productionlist
, however unlike.. productionlist
s, this directive accepts notation syntax... prodn:: _occ_switch ::= { {? {| + | - } } {* @natural } } _term += let: @pattern := @_term in @_term | _second_production
{ +-? natural* }_term
let: pattern := _term in _term|
_second_productionThe first line defines “occ_switch”, which must be unique in the document. The second references and expands the definition of “term”, whose main definition is elsewhere in the document. The third form is for continuing the definition of a nonterminal when it has multiple productions. It leaves the first column in the output blank.
.. table::
✒ A Squirrel table, i.e. a setting that is a set of values.Example:
.. table:: _Search Blacklist @string :name: _Search Blacklist Controls ...
- Table _Search Blacklist string¶
Controls …
.. tacn::
✒ A tactic, or a tactic notation.Example:
.. tacv::
✒ A variant of a tactic.Example:
.. tacn:: _fail This is the always-failing tactic: it does not solve any goal. It is useful for defining other tacticals since it can be caught by :tacn:`try`, :tacn:`repeat`, or the branching tacticals... .. tacv:: _fail @natural The number is the failure level. If no level is specified, it defaults to 0...
.. tact::
✒ A tactic, or a tactic notation over trace.Example:
.. tact:: true Solves a goal when the conclusion is true.
- TraceTactic true
Solves a goal when the conclusion is true.
.. tace::
✒ A tactic, or a tactic notation over equivalence.Example:
.. tace:: deduce {? @natural } Invoking :g:`deduce i` removes the ith element from the biframe when it can be computed from the rest of the bi-frame. :g:`deduce` try to deduce the biframe with the first equivalence in the hypotheses it finds.
- EquivTactic deduce natural?
deduce i
removes the ith element from the biframe when it can be computed from the rest of the bi-frame.deduce
try to deduce the biframe with the first equivalence in the hypotheses it finds.
.. thm::
A theorem.Example:
.. thm:: _Bound on the ceiling function Let :math:`p` be an integer and :math:`c` a rational constant. Then :math:`p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil`.
- Theorem _Bound on the ceiling function¶
Let \(p\) be an integer and \(c\) a rational constant. Then \(p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil\).
.. warn::
✒ An warning raised by a Squirrel command or tactic..Do not mistake this for
.. warning::
; this directive is for warning messages produced by Squirrel... warn:: _Ambiguous path When the coercion :token:`qualid` is added to the inheritance graph, non valid coercion paths are ignored.
- Warning _Ambiguous path¶
When the coercion
is added to the inheritance graph, non valid coercion paths are ignored.
Squirrel directives¶
In addition to the objects above, the squirreldomain
Sphinx plugin defines the following directives:
.. squirreltop::
A reST directive to describe interactions with Squirrel.Usage:
.. squirreltop:: options... code to be executed by Squirrel
.. squirreltop:: all (* comment *) name n:message. name s:message. hash h. lemma [any] toto : true=>true. Proof. admit. Qed. print toto.
- (* comment *)
- name n:message.
- global axiom [any] namelength_n : [len n = namelength_message]
- name s:message.
- global axiom [any] namelength_s : [len s = namelength_message]
- hash h.
- lemma [any] toto : true=>true.
- Goal toto : true => true
- Proof.
- [goal> Focused goal (1/1): System: any —————————————- true => true
- admit.
- [goal> lemma toto is proved
- Qed.
- lemma [any] toto : true => true Exiting proof mode.
- print toto.
- lemma [any] toto : true => true
The blank line after the directive is required. If you begin a proof, use the
option to reset squirrel for the next example.Here is a list of permissible options:
Display options (choose exactly one)
: Display input and outputin
: Display only inputout
: Display only outputnone
: Display neither (useful for setup commands)
Behavior options
: Send aReset.
command before running this blockabort
: Send anAbort.
command after running this block (leaves all pending proofs if any)
‘s state is preserved across consecutive.. squirreltop::
blocks of the same document (squirrelrst
creates a singlesquirreltop
process per reST source file). Use thereset
option to reset Squirrel’s state.Example:
.. squirreltop:: abort all lemma [any] tutu : true=>true. Proof. .. squirreltop:: all print tutu. print toto. .. squirreltop:: reset all print toto.
- lemma [any] tutu : true=>true.
- Goal tutu : true => true
- Proof.
- [goal> Focused goal (1/1): System: any —————————————- true => true
- print tutu.
- tutu not found
- print toto.
- lemma [any] toto : true => true
- print toto.
- toto not found
.. squirreldoc::
A reST directive to display squirreltop-formatted source code.Usage:
.. squirreldoc:: squirrel code to highlight.
.. squirreldoc:: name key : index -> message name key' : index * index -> message (* Finally, we declare the channels used by the protocol. *) channel cT channel cR. process tag(i:index,k:index) = new nT; out(cT, <nT, h(nT,diff(key(i),key'(i,k)))>). process reader(j:index) = in(cT,x); if exists (i,k:index), snd(x) = h(fst(x),diff(key(i),key'(i,k))) then out(cR,ok) else out(cR,ko). (* The system is finally defined by putting an unbounded number of tag and reader processes in parallel. This system is automatically translated to a set of actions: * the initial action (`init`); * one action for the tag (`T`); * two actions for the reader, corresponding to the two branches of the conditional (respectively `R` and `R1`). *) system [BasicHash] ((!_j R: reader(j)) | (!_i !_k T: tag(i,k))). lemma [BasicHash] wa_R : forall (tau:timestamp), happens(tau) => ((exists (i,k:index), snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i),key'(i,k)))) <=> (exists (i,k:index), T(i,k) < tau && fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) && snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau))).
- name key : index -> message
- name key’ : index * index -> message
- (* Finally, we declare the channels used by the protocol. *)
- channel cT
- channel cR.
- process tag(i:index,k:index) =
- new nT;
- out(cT, <nT, h(nT,diff(key(i),key’(i,k)))>).
- process reader(j:index) =
- in(cT,x);
- if exists (i,k:index), snd(x) = h(fst(x),diff(key(i),key’(i,k))) then
- out(cR,ok)
- else
- out(cR,ko).
- (* The system is finally defined by putting an unbounded number of tag and
- reader processes in parallel.
- This system is automatically translated to a set of actions:
- * the initial action (`init`);
- * one action for the tag (`T`);
- * two actions for the reader, corresponding to the two branches of the
- conditional (respectively `R` and `R1`). *)
- system [BasicHash] ((!_j R: reader(j)) | (!_i !_k T: tag(i,k))).
- lemma [BasicHash] wa_R :
- forall (tau:timestamp),
- happens(tau) =>
- ((exists (i,k:index),
- snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i),key’(i,k))))
- <=>
- (exists (i,k:index), T(i,k) < tau &&
- fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) &&
- snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau))).
This is not equivalent to .. squirreltop:: in
since none of the given content is sent to squirreltop
and then take time to be computed when doc is generated !
.. example::
A reST directive for examples.This behaves like a generic admonition; see for more details.
Optionally, any text immediately following the
.. example::
header is used as the example’s title.Example:
.. example:: Adding a hint to the automatic constraint solving procedure The following adds ``not_true`` to the solver .. squirreldoc:: axiom [any] not_true : not(true) = false. hint rewrite not_true.
Example: Adding a hint to the automatic constraint solving procedure
The following adds
to the solver- axiom [any] not_true : not(true) = false.
- hint rewrite not_true.
Squirrel roles¶
In addition to the objects and directives above, the squirrelrst
Sphinx plugin defines the following roles:
Squirrel code.Use this for Squirrel snippets:
Apply tactics :g:`apply not_true; reflexivity` or set options :g:`set postQuantumSound=true.` or declare :g:`(forall (a:'a), true) = true.`
Apply tactics
apply not_true; reflexivity
or set optionsset postQuantumSound=true.
or declare(forall (a:'a), true) = true.
Any text using the notation syntax (@id
,{+, …}
, etc.).Use this to explain tactic equivalences. For example, you might write this:
:n:`_generalize @term as @ident` is just like :n:`_generalize @term`, but it names the introduced hypothesis :token:`identifier`.
Note that this example also uses
. That’s becauseidentifier
is defined in the Squirrel manual as a grammar production, and:token:
creates a link to that. When referring to a placeholder that happens to be a grammar production,:token:`…`
is typically preferable to:n:`@…`
Marks the definition of a glossary term inline in the text.Matching
constructs will link to it. Use the form:gdef:`text <term>`
to display “text” for the definition of “term”, such as when “term” must be capitalized or plural for grammatical reasons. The term will also appear in the glossary index.Examples:
A :gdef:`prime` number is divisible only by itself and 1. :gdef:`Composite <composite>` numbers are the non-prime numbers.
A prime number is divisible only by itself and 1. Composite numbers are the non-prime numbers.
Common mistakes¶
Improper nesting¶
- DO
.. cmd:: Foo @bar Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s. .. cmdv:: Foo All Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in the current context
.. cmd:: Foo @bar Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s. .. cmdv:: Foo All Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in the current context
Overusing :token:
- DO
This is equivalent to :n:`_Axiom @ident : @term`.
This is equivalent to ``_Axiom`` :token:`identifier` : :token:`term`.
- DO
:n:`power_tac @term [@ltac]` allows :tacn:`ring` and :tacn:`ring_simplify` to recognize...
power_tac :n:`@term` [:n:`@ltac`] allows :tacn:`ring` and :tacn:`ring_simplify` to recognize...
- DO
:n:`name={*; attr}`
``name=``:n:`{*; attr}`
Omitting annotations¶
- DO
.. tacv:: _assert @form as @simple_intropattern
.. tacv:: _assert form as simple_intropattern
Using the .. squirreltop::
directive for syntax highlighting¶
- DO
A tactic of the form: .. squirreldoc:: do [ t1 | … | tn ]. is equivalent to the standard Ltac expression: .. squirreldoc:: first [ t1 | … | tn ].
A tactic of the form: .. squirreltop:: in do [ t1 | … | tn ]. is equivalent to the standard Ltac expression: .. squirreltop:: in first [ t1 | … | tn ].
Overusing plain quotes¶
- DO
The :tacn:`refine` tactic can raise the :exn:`Invalid argument` exception. The term :g:`let a = 1 in a a` is ill-typed.
The ``refine`` tactic can raise the ``Invalid argument`` exception. The term ``let a = 1 in a a`` is ill-typed.
Plain quotes produce plain text, without highlighting or cross-references.
Overusing the example
- DO
Here is a useful axiom: .. squirreldoc:: Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (x y : P), x=y.
- DO
.. example:: Using proof-irrelevance If you assume the axiom above
Here is a useful axiom: .. example:: .. squirreldoc:: Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (x y : P), x=y.
Tips and tricks¶
Nested lemmas¶
The .. squirreltop::
directive does not reset Squirrel after running its contents. That is, the following will create two nested lemmas (which by default results in a failure):
.. squirreltop:: all
lemma l1: 1 + 1 = 2.
.. squirreltop:: all
lemma l2: 2 + 2 <> 1.
Add either abort
to the first block or reset
to the second block to avoid nesting lemmas.
Abbreviations and macros¶
Substitutions for specially-formatted names (like |Cic|
, |Ltac|
and |Latex|
give CIC, Ltac and LaTeX), along with some useful LaTeX macros, are defined in a separate file. This file is automatically included in all manual pages.
Advanced uses of notations¶
Use % to escape grammar literal strings that are the same as metasyntax, such as
. (While this is optional for|
and{ ... }
outside of{| ... }
, always using the escape requires less thought.)Literals such as
don’t need to be escaped.The literal
shouldn’t be escaped.Don’t use the escape for a
separator in{*
. These should appear as{*|