hash h

abstract ok : message
abstract ko : message.


The Basic Hash protocol as described in [A] is an RFID protocol involving:

  • a tag associated to a secret key;
  • generic readers having access to a database containing all these keys.

The protocol is as follows:

T --> R : <nT, h(nT,key)>
R --> T : ok

This file shows an incorrect attempt at proving unlinkability for Basic Hash. Unlinkability fails for the proposed system, for an irrelevant reason.

[A] Mayla Brusò, Kostas Chatzikokolakis, and Jerry den Hartog. Formal Verification of Privacy for RFID Systems. pages 75–88, July 2010.

(* In the single session system `tag(i,k)` will use `key'(i,k)`
instead of `key(i)`. *)
name key : index -> message.

name key' : index -> index -> message.

channel cT
channel cR.
process tag(i:index,k:index) =
new nT;
out(cT, <nT, h(nT,diff(key(i),key'(i,k)))>).

Use diff operator to specify multiple session (left) and single session (right) roles simultaneously.

process reader(j:index) =
try find i,k such that snd(x) = h(fst(x),diff(key(i),key'(i,k))) in

Session j of reader. For single-session version we need to find k in addition to i.

system [BasicHash] ((!_j R: reader(j)) | (!_i !_k T: tag(i,k))).
System before processing:

(!_j R: reader j) | (!_i !_k T: tag i k)

System after processing:

find (i,k) such that (snd(x) = h(fst(x),diff(key(i),key'(i,k)))) in
R: out(cR,ok); null else R1: out(cR,ko); null) |
(!_i !_k T: out(cT,pair(nT(i,k),h(nT(i,k),diff(key(i),key'(i,k))))); null)

System BasicHash registered with actions (init,R,R1,T).
print system [BasicHash]. System [left:BasicHash/left, right:BasicHash/right]
Available actions:

action name: init
condition: true
output: empty

action name: R(j,i,k)
indices: j,i,k
snd(input@R(j,i,k)) = h(fst(input@R(j,i,k)),diff(key(i), key'(i,k)))
output: ok

action name: R1(j)
indices: j
forall (i,k:index),
not(snd(input@R1(j)) = h(fst(input@R1(j)),diff(key(i), key'(i,k))))
output: ko

action name: T(i,k)
indices: i,k
condition: true
output: <nT(i,k),h(nT(i,k),diff(key(i), key'(i,k)))>

Show the set of actions obtained from above process.

goal [BasicHash] wa_R :
forall (tau:timestamp),
happens(tau) =>
((exists (i,k:index),
snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i),key'(i,k))))
(exists (i,k:index), T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) &&
snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau))).
Goal wa_R :
forall (tau:timestamp),
happens(tau) =>
(exists (i,k:index),
snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i), key'(i,k))))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) &&
snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

Prove wa_R as in basic-hash-wa.sp slightly modified to also hold for single-session system. The statement (or rather, its projections) is proved for both the left and right projections of the BasicHash system.

Proof. [goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:BasicHash/left, right:BasicHash/right
forall (tau:timestamp),
happens(tau) =>
(exists (i,k:index),
snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i), key'(i,k))))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) &&
snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

The high-level idea of the proof is to use the EUF cryptographic axiom: only the tag T(i,k) can forge h(nT(i,k),key(i)) because the secret key is not known by the attacker. Therefore, any message accepted by the reader must come from a tag that has played before. The converse implication is trivial because any honest tag output is accepted by the reader.

intro tau Hap.
[> Line 81: (intro tau Hap)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:BasicHash/left, right:BasicHash/right
Variables: tau:timestamp
Hap: happens(tau)
(exists (i,k:index),
snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i), key'(i,k))))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) && snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

split => [i k Meq]. [> Line 81: (split;(intro [i k Meq]))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: left:BasicHash/left, right:BasicHash/right
Variables: i,k:index,tau:timestamp
Hap: happens(tau)
Meq: snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i), key'(i,k)))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) && snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

+ project.
[> Line 82: project
[goal> Focused goal (1/3):
System: left:BasicHash/left
Variables: i,k:index,tau:timestamp
Hap: happens(tau)
Meq: snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),key(i))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) && snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

(* Here we need to separate the proof for each projection. *)
++ euf Meq => *; by exists i,k0.
[> Line 83: (((euf Meq);(intro *));by (exists i, k0))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: right:BasicHash/right
Variables: i,k:index,tau:timestamp
Hap: happens(tau)
Meq: snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),key'(i,k))
exists (i,k:index),
T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) && snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)

++ euf Meq => *; by exists i,k.
[> Line 84: (((euf Meq);(intro *));by (exists i, k))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:BasicHash/left, right:BasicHash/right
Variables: i,k:index,tau:timestamp
Hap: happens(tau)
Meq: T(i,k) < tau &&
fst(output@T(i,k)) = fst(input@tau) &&
snd(output@T(i,k)) = snd(input@tau)
exists (i,k:index),
snd(input@tau) = h(fst(input@tau),diff(key(i), key'(i,k)))

+ by exists i,k. [> Line 87: by (exists i, k)
[goal> Goal wa_R is proved

For the second implication (<=), the conclusion of the goal can directly be obtained from the hypotheses.

Exiting proof mode.

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