include Basic.
Goal eq_sym :
(x = y) = (y = x)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
(x = y) = (y = x)
[> Line 11: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal eq_sym is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal neq_sym :
(x <> y) = (y <> x)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
(x <> y) = (y <> x)
[> Line 14: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal neq_sym is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal eq_refl :
(x = x) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x:'a
(x = x) = true
[> Line 18: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal eq_refl is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal false_true :
(false = true) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
(false = true) = false
[> Line 30: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal false_true is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal eq_true :
(b = true) = b
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b = true) = b
[> Line 35: by (case b)
[goal> Goal eq_true is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal eq_true2 :
(true = b) = b
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(true = b) = b
[> Line 39: by (case b)
[goal> Goal eq_true2 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_not :
not(not(b)) = b
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
not(not(b)) = b
[> Line 54: by (case b)
[goal> Goal not_not is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_eq :
not(x = y) = (x <> y)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
not(x = y) = (x <> y)
[> Line 60: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal not_eq is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_neq :
not(x <> y) = (x = y)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
not(x <> y) = (x = y)
[> Line 66: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal not_neq is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_eqfalse :
(b = false) = not(b)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b = false) = not(b)
[> Line 72: by (case b)
[goal> Goal not_eqfalse is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal eq_false :
((x = y) = false) = (x <> y)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
((x = y) = false) = (x <> y)
[> Line 80: (rewrite ...)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
((x = y) = false) = not(x = y)
[> Line 80: ((case (x = y));(intro _))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
_: x = y
(true = false) = not(true)
[> Line 80: simpl
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
_: x = y
[> Line 80: auto
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
_: not(x = y)
(false = false) = not(false)
[> Line 81: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal eq_false is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal and_true_r :
(b && true) = b
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b && true) = b
[> Line 94: by (rewrite ... ...)
[goal> Goal and_true_r is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal and_false_r :
(b && false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b && false) = false
[> Line 101: by (rewrite ... ...)
[goal> Goal and_false_r is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal or_false_r :
(b || false) = b
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b || false) = b
[> Line 112: by (rewrite ... ...)
[goal> Goal or_false_r is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal or_true_r :
(b || true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: b:bool
(b || true) = true
[> Line 119: by (rewrite ... ...)
[goal> Goal or_true_r is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_and :
not((a && b)) = (not(a) || not(b))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: a,b:bool
not((a && b)) = (not(a) || not(b))
[> Line 128: (rewrite ...)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: a,b:bool
not((a && b)) <=> not(a) || not(b)
[> Line 129: (((case a);(case b));(intro //=))
[goal> Goal not_and is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal not_or :
not((a || b)) = (not(a) && not(b))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: a,b:bool
not((a || b)) = (not(a) && not(b))
[> Line 134: (rewrite ...)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: a,b:bool
not((a || b)) <=> not(a) && not(b)
[> Line 135: (((case a);(case b));(intro //=))
[goal> Goal not_or is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_true :
b => if b then x else y = x
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
b => if b then x else y = x
[> Line 144: (intro *)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: b
if b then x else y = x
[> Line 145: (case if b then x else y)
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: b
b && if b then x else y = x => x = x
[> Line 146: auto
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: b
not(b) && if b then x else y = y => y = x
[> Line 147: (intro [HH _])
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: b
HH: not(b)
_: if b then x else y = y
y = x
[> Line 147: by (have ... as )
[goal> Goal if_true is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_true0 :
if true then x else y = x
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
if true then x else y = x
[> Line 153: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal if_true0 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_false :
not(b) => if b then x else y = y
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
not(b) => if b then x else y = y
[> Line 160: ((intro *);(case if b then x else y))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: not(b)
b && if b then x else y = x => x = y
[> Line 161: (intro [HH _])
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: not(b)
HH: b
_: if b then x else y = x
x = y
[> Line 161: by (have ... as )
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x,y:'a
H: not(b)
not(b) && if b then x else y = y => y = y
[> Line 162: auto
[goal> Goal if_false is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_false0 :
if false then x else y = y
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: x,y:'a
if false then x else y = y
[> Line 168: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal if_false0 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_then_then :
if b then if b' then x else y else y = if (b && b') then x else y
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y:'a
if b then if b' then x else y else y = if (b && b') then x else y
[> Line 175: by ((case b);(case b'))
[goal> Goal if_then_then is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_then_implies :
if b then if b' then x else y else z =
if b then if (b => b') then x else y else z
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
if b then if b' then x else y else z =
if b then if (b => b') then x else y else z
[> Line 182: ((case b);
((intro H);((case b');((intro H');(simpl;(try auto))))))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
H: b
H': b'
x = if (true => true) then x else y
[> Line 183: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
H: b
H': not(b')
y = if (true => false) then x else y
[> Line 184: (rewrite ...)
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
H: b
H': not(b')
not((true => false))
[> Line 185: ((intro Habs);by (have ... as ))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
H: b
H': not(b')
y = y
[> Line 186: auto
[goal> Goal if_then_implies is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_same :
if b then x else x = x
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b:bool,x:'a
if b then x else x = x
[> Line 192: by (case b)
[goal> Goal if_same is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_then :
b = b' => if b then if b' then x else y else z = if b then x else z
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
b = b' => if b then if b' then x else y else z = if b then x else z
[> Line 201: by ((intro ->);(case b'))
[goal> Goal if_then is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_else :
b = b' => if b then x else if b' then y else z = if b then x else z
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
b = b' => if b then x else if b' then y else z = if b then x else z
[> Line 210: by ((intro ->);(case b'))
[goal> Goal if_else is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_then_not :
b = not(b') => if b then if b' then x else y else z = if b then y else z
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
b = not(b') => if b then if b' then x else y else z = if b then y else z
[> Line 219: by ((intro ->);(case b'))
[goal> Goal if_then_not is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal if_else_not :
b = not(b') => if b then x else if b' then y else z = if b then x else y
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
Variables: b,b':bool,x,y,z:'a
b = not(b') => if b then x else if b' then y else z = if b then x else y
[> Line 228: by ((intro ->);(case b'))
[goal> Goal if_else_not is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal fst_pair :
fst(<x,y>) = x
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: x,y:message
fst(<x,y>) = x
[> Line 236: auto
[goal> Goal fst_pair is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal snd_pair :
snd(<x,y>) = y
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: x,y:message
snd(<x,y>) = y
[> Line 240: auto
[goal> Goal snd_pair is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal iff_refl :
(x <=> x) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: x:bool
(x <=> x) = true
[> Line 248: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal iff_refl is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal iff_sym :
(x <=> y) = (y <=> x)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Variables: x,y:bool
(x <=> y) = (y <=> x)
[> Line 254: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal iff_sym is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal true_iff_false :
(true <=> false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
(true <=> false) = false
[> Line 259: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal true_iff_false is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal false_iff_true :
(false <=> true) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
(false <=> true) = false
[> Line 265: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal false_iff_true is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false1 :
(exists (a:'a), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
(exists (a:'a), false) = false
[> Line 277: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false1 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false2 :
(exists (a:'a,b:'b), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b
(exists (a:'a,b:'b), false) = false
[> Line 281: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false2 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false3 :
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c), false) = false
[> Line 285: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false3 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false4 :
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d), false) = false
[> Line 289: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false4 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false5 :
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e), false) = false
[> Line 293: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false5 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal exists_false6 :
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e,f:'f), false) = false
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f
(exists (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e,f:'f), false) = false
[> Line 297: by (rewrite ...)
[goal> Goal exists_false6 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true1 :
(forall (a:'a), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a
(forall (a:'a), true) = true
[> Line 307: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true1 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true2 :
(forall (a:'a,b:'b), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b
(forall (a:'a,b:'b), true) = true
[> Line 311: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true2 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true3 :
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c), true) = true
[> Line 315: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true3 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true4 :
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d), true) = true
[> Line 319: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true4 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true5 :
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e), true) = true
[> Line 323: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true5 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
Goal forall_true6 :
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e,f:'f), true) = true
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: any
Type variables: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f
(forall (a:'a,b:'b,c:'c,d:'d,e:'e,f:'f), true) = true
[> Line 327: auto
[goal> Goal forall_true6 is proved
Exiting proof mode.
[warning> loaded: Basic.sp <]
The Basic Hash protocol as described in [A] is an RFID protocol involving:
- a tag associated to a secret key;
- generic readers having access to a database containing all these keys.
The protocol is as follows:
T --> R : <nT, h(nT,key)>
R --> T : ok
In this file, we prove an authentication property for the reader.
[A] Mayla Brusò, Kostas Chatzikokolakis, and Jerry den Hartog. Formal Verification of Privacy for RFID Systems. pages 75–88, July 2010.
Include basic standard library.