hash h

name secret : message
name key : message

abstract error : message
abstract myZero : message

mutable d : message = myZero

channel cA
channel cB.


V. Cheval, V. Cortier, and M. Turuani,
A Little More Conversation, a Little Less Action, a Lot More Satisfaction: Global States in ProVerif,
in 2018 IEEE 31st Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), Oxford, Jul. 2018, pp. 344–358,
doi: 10.1109/CSF.2018.00032.

  • A = in(d, i : nat); out(c, h(i, s)); out(d, i + 1)
  • B = in(d, i : nat); in(c, y);
    if y = h(i, s) then
    out(c, s); out(d, i + 1)
    out(d, i + 1)
  • P = ! A | ! B | out(d, 0) | ! in(d, i : nat); out(d, i)


  • In this model, we do not use private channels since actions (input/condition/ update/output) are atomic.
  • The goal is to prove that the secret s is never leaked because B receives only hashes with old values of the counter.


  • monotonicity of the counter
  • secrecy (as a reachability property)

We declare here a mutable state symbol, initialized with the public constant myZero.

abstract mySucc : message->message
abstract (~<) : message -> message -> boolean.

In order to model counter values, we use:

  • a function mySucc modelling the successor of a value;
  • an order relation ~< modelling the usual order on natural numbers.
process A =
let m = h(<d,secret>,key) in
d := mySucc(d);
out(cA, m)

process B =
if y = h(<d,secret>,key) then
d := mySucc(d);
d := mySucc(d);

system ((!_i A) | (!_j B)).
System before processing:

(!_i A ) | (!_j B )

System after processing:

(!_i let m = h(pair(d,secret),key) in
d := mySucc(d); A: out(cA,m(i)); null) |
if (y = h(pair(d,secret),key)) then
d := mySucc(d); B: out(cB,secret); null else
d := mySucc(d); B1: out(cB,error); null)

System default registered with actions (init,A,B,B1).

Processes A and B are defined as follows. They both access to the mutable state d.

axiom orderSucc (n:message): n ~< mySucc(n).


We now axiomatize the order relation ~< defined above in order to be able to reason on counter values.

axiom orderTrans (n1,n2,n3:message): n1 ~< n2 && n2 ~< n3 => n1 ~< n3.

axiom orderStrict (n1,n2:message): n1 = n2 => n1 ~< n2 => false.
goal counterIncreasePred (t:timestamp):
t > init => d@pred(t) ~< d@t.
Goal counterIncreasePred :
t > init => d@pred(t) ~< d@t


We first show that the counter increases strictly at each update.

[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t:timestamp
t > init => d@pred(t) ~< d@t

intro Hc.
[> Line 93: (intro Hc)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t:timestamp
Hc: t > init
d@pred(t) ~< d@t

use orderSucc with d@pred(t).
[> Line 94: (have ... as )
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t:timestamp
H: d@pred(t) ~< mySucc(d@pred(t))
Hc: t > init
d@pred(t) ~< d@t

case t => //.
[> Line 95: ((case t);(intro //))
[goal> Goal counterIncreasePred is proved

Exiting proof mode.

goal counterIncrease (t,t':timestamp):
t' < t => d@t' ~< d@t.
Goal counterIncrease :
t' < t => d@t' ~< d@t

We also show a more general result than counterIncreasePred, stating here that the counter strictly increases between two distinct timestamps.

The proof is done by induction, and relies on the previous result counterIncreasePred.

[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
t' < t => d@t' ~< d@t

induction t => t Hind Ht.
[> Line 108: ((induction t);(intro t Hind Ht))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

assert (t' < pred(t) || t' >= pred(t)) as H0 by case t. [> Line 110: ((have ((t' < pred(t)) || (t' >= pred(t))), H0); 1: by (case t))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
H0: t' < pred(t) || t' >= pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

We use the assert tactic to introduce two cases.

case H0.
[> Line 111: (case H0)
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
H0: t' < pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

+ apply Hind in H0 => //. [> Line 118: ((apply ... in H0);(intro //))
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
H0: d@t' ~< d@pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

Case where t’ < pred(t): We first apply the induction hypothesis on t' to get d@t' ~< d@pred(t), then use the lemma counterIncreasePred with t to get d@pred(t) ~< d@t. It then remains to conclude by transitivity (applying orderTrans).

use counterIncreasePred with t; 2: by constraints.
[> Line 119: ((have ... as ); 2: by constraints)
[goal> Focused goal (1/2):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
H: d@pred(t) ~< d@t
H0: d@t' ~< d@pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

by apply orderTrans _ (d@pred(t)).
[> Line 120: by (apply ... )
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
H0: t' >= pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

+ assert t' = pred(t) as Ceq by constraints. [> Line 126: ((have (t' = pred(t)), Ceq); 1: by constraints)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
Ceq: t' = pred(t)
H0: t' >= pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

Case where t’ >= pred(t). Since t' < t we can deduce that t' = pred(t). It is then directly a consequence of the counterIncreasePred lemma.

use counterIncreasePred with t; 2: auto.
[> Line 127: ((have ... as ); 2: auto)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: t,t':timestamp
Ceq: t' = pred(t)
H: d@pred(t) ~< d@t
H0: t' >= pred(t)
Hind: forall (t0:timestamp), t0 < t => t' < t0 => d@t' ~< d@t0
Ht: t' < t
d@t' ~< d@t

by rewrite Ceq; auto.
[> Line 128: by ((rewrite ...);auto)
[goal> Goal counterIncrease is proved

Exiting proof mode.

goal secretReach (j:index):
happens(B(j)) => cond@B(j) => false.
Goal secretReach :
happens(B(j)) => cond@B(j) => false

The following reachability property states that the secret s is never leaked (i.e. the condition of the action B(j) is never satisfied).

The proof relies on the EUF assumption: if cond@B(j) is satisfied, it would mean that the attacker has been able to forge the message h(<d,secret>,key) with d corresponding to the value of the counter at timepoint B(j), because all messages outputted so far correspond to older values of d.

[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: j:index
happens(B(j)) => cond@B(j) => false

intro Hap Hcond. [> Line 144: (intro Hap Hcond)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: j:index
Hap: happens(B(j))
Hcond: cond@B(j)

We start by introducing the hypotheses and expanding the cond macro.

expand cond.
[> Line 145: (expand cond)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: j:index
Hap: happens(B(j))
Hcond: input@B(j) = h(<d@pred(B(j)),secret>,key)

euf Hcond => Ht Heq. [> Line 147: ((euf Hcond);(intro Ht Heq))
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: i,j:index
Hap: happens(B(j))
Hcond: input@B(j) = h(<d@pred(B(j)),secret>,key)
Heq: <d@pred(A(i)),secret> = <d@pred(B(j)),secret>
Ht: A(i) < B(j)

Applying the euf tactic generates two new hypotheses, Ht and Heq.

assert pred(A(i)) < pred(B(j)) as H by constraints. [> Line 150: ((have (pred(A(i)) < pred(B(j))), H); 1: by constraints)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: i,j:index
H: pred(A(i)) < pred(B(j))
Hap: happens(B(j))
Hcond: input@B(j) = h(<d@pred(B(j)),secret>,key)
Heq: <d@pred(A(i)),secret> = <d@pred(B(j)),secret>
Ht: A(i) < B(j)

We use here the counterIncrease lemma to show that the equality Heq is not possible.

apply counterIncrease in H.
[> Line 151: (apply ... in H)
[goal> Focused goal (1/1):
System: left:default/left, right:default/right
Variables: i,j:index
H: d@pred(A(i)) ~< d@pred(B(j))
Hap: happens(B(j))
Hcond: input@B(j) = h(<d@pred(B(j)),secret>,key)
Heq: <d@pred(A(i)),secret> = <d@pred(B(j)),secret>
Ht: A(i) < B(j)

by apply orderStrict in H.
[> Line 152: by (apply ... in H)
[goal> Goal secretReach is proved

Exiting proof mode.

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